Career Guidance Program

Career Guidance Program is an initiative by Sneh Asha Foundation dedicated to helping School Going children to navigate their future career paths with confidence and clarity.

At Sneh Asha, we understand the challenges and uncertainties that individuals face when it comes to making career choices. Our Career Guidance Program aims to empower and equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to make informed career decisions and pursue fulfilling and successful professional paths.

1. We provide career counseling sessions in class room, Group and one to one basis, where our career counselors work closely with individuals to understand their interests, strengths, and aspirations. Through personalized guidance and support, we help individuals identify their passions, explore various career options, and develop a clear roadmap for their future.

2. We conduct assessments to evaluate an individual’s skills, aptitudes, and areas for improvement. Based on the assessment, we provide feedback and career guidance sessions.

3. Career Exploration Workshops: Our program includes interactive workshops and Sessions that expose individuals to a wide range of career options and provide insights into various industries and career path. We introduce student to professionals from different fields share their experiences, challenges, and success stories, allowing participants to gain a deeper understanding of different career paths and make more informed decisions.

4. Educational Pathways Guidance: We assist individuals in navigating educational opportunities by providing information about colleges, universities, scholarship programs, and vocational training institutes. Our goal is to guide individuals towards educational pathways that align with their career aspirations and maximize their potential for success.

At Sneh Asha, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality career guidance and support, regardless of their background or circumstances. Our Career Guidance Program is designed to empower individuals, enabling them to make informed decisions, unlock their potential, and pursue rewarding careers.

Join the initiative by SnehAsha, Together, we can help students to  discover and pursue a fulfilling career that aligns with their passions and aspirations.